God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ...

Worship and Christian Education

"We believe that God exists and is pleased with all who draw near by faith. We worship the one holy and loving God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit eternally." (Confession of Faith, p.10) As a church, the acts of worship and education are central to who we are. In worship we gather together to nurture our relationship with God as a community of faith. Through education we learn more about God, about what it means to live in proper relationship with God, and are encouraged to enhance our understanding of what it means to follow Christ in our lives. We recognize that together these two aspects of faith contribute to our calling to be followers of Jesus Christ and to grow as communities of grace, joy and peace.

Worship Service

Every Sunday at 10:45 a.m. we gather to hear and respond to God's word to us. We strive to draw on the gifts of the whole congregation through our singing, reading, preaching, sharing and praying.

Celebrations and Rituals of the Church


Sunday School

Our classes begin at 9:30 a.m., September through June.

Children's classes are provided for 3 year olds through to high school age teens.

Adult Classes include a Bible Study class as well as a topical class.

Music and Visual Arts


Children's Choir - Not currently meeting.

Adult Choir - Our adult choir practices every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. We invite all in grade 9 and up who enjoy singing and who wish to offer their singing to the worship of God to join the choir. The Adult choir sings in the worship service two times per month.

Visual Arts

Our Christian Education and Worship Branch is responsible for the visual arts present in our worship services. Following the church year, visuals reflect the current time (i.e. Lent, Advent, etc) or revolve around a theme we are exploring. Banners, paintings and other displays can be seen at the front of the sanctuary.