Congregational Life
Ministry Opportunities abound within the congregation. All our programs are organized and
run by volunteers. To explore possible avenues of service contact the church office.
Our congregation's ministry of care is coordinated by our deacons, each of whom is responsible
for a group of households (Deacon Groups).
Serving Groups have been drawn up to help us practice our ministry of hospitality.
Membership in the congregation is open to anyone who is baptized, confesses the Lordship of
Jesus Christ, gives evidence of Christian character, and is willing to assume the rights and duties
of membership as detailed in our congregation's Constitution. Associate and Affiliate
Memberships are also available. Contact our pastor or deacons for more information.
First Mennonite has formed the following Branches to help the congregation realize its vision:
Tending the Vision
Pastoral Care
Community Building
Christian Education and Worship
Service and Outreach.
Descriptions of the role of each are found in the Vision and Structure Administrative Guide, available from the church office.
Branch meetings:
Representatives from each of the Branches meet six times per year to discuss the business
agenda of the congregation. These meetings are open to anyone. Minutes are available at the
mail kiosk.
Congregational meetings:
Our congregation meets four times during the year. These meetings and the discussions at them
are open to all who participate in the life of the congregation though voting is restricted to
members. Minutes are available at the
mail kiosk.