Order of Worship

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July 28, 2024            10:45am

Watching for the Spirit Among Us



We Gather with Kindness

Preservice Music


Prelude  Amazing Grace, with I Could Sing of Your Love Forever   arr. Tornquist

Call to Worship

Leader:   God calls us to come.

All:           We come to hear God’s word and be in God’s presence.

Leader:   Come and see.

All:           We come to see the Holy Spirit at work

                  in our congregation and in our lives.

Leader:   Jesus saw suffering and healed the pain,

                  showing kindness to people who were often ignored.

All:           The fruit of the Spirit is Kindness.

Leader:   May the Holy Spirit open our hearts

                  To embody God’s kindness through our words and our actions.

All:           O come, let us worship the One who shows us kindness.

Opening Prayer

Hymn     Praise, My Soul, the Kind of Heaven!    VT 75

Hearing God’s Word

Scripture     Galatians 5:22-26

Children’s Feature      video

Hymn    What Does the Lord Require of You?   VT 207

Scripture    John 5:1-17

Sermon    No Law Against These                         

Watching for the Spirit Among Us

Hymn     Christ Has no Body Here but Ours   VT 568

Sharing Time

Offering Prayer

Musical Offering   Wade in the Water     arr. Pethel

Joys and Concerns

      After each time of sharing we respond “Lord, hear our prayers.”


Hymn    Bless the Arms that Comfort    VT 527




Worship Leader: Adela Wedler                                         Preacher: Debbie Bledsoe

Children’s Feature: Justin Stoesz                                     Reader: Daniel Hindmarsh

Musicians: Ev Buhr, Adela Wedler, Debbie Bledsoe, Vince Friesen, Lowell Thiessen, Diane Ediger   

Joys and Concerns: Debbie Bledsoe       Ushers: Jan Wilhelm/Gord Taves, Lauren Reid