Order of Worship
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March 9, 2025 10:45am
Lent 1
Christ’s Call Collides with Our Bias
We gather with our bias
Pre-service Music
Prelude You Are My Hiding Place Ledner arr. Wilhelmi
Call to Worship
One: Jesus invites, “follow me”.
Many: We will follow,
but prefer to come in our own way,
at our own time.
One: Christ’s call collides with our bias.
Many: We come with open hearts, to learn your way.
All: O God, guide us as we worship you.
Hymn Spirit, Open My Heart VT 636
To hear Christ’s transforming word
Children’s Time
Scripture Luke 10:25-42
Hymn Bless the Arms That Comfort VT 527
Sermon Christ’s Call Collides with Our Bias
That shapes us in the way of the cross
Prayer of Confession
All: Loving and merciful God,
we confess that we have sinned against you.
One: We have not loved you with all our thoughts, words and actions.
Many: We have sinned through what we have chosen to do
and what we have chosen to neglect.
One: We have not fully accepted your love for us.
We have not loved our neighbours as ourselves.
Many: We cling to our assumptions
and insist that our point of view is the correct one.
All: We repent before each other and before you, our loving God.
Please help us open our hearts to your love.
~ silence ~
All: Help us shake free from our biases and assumptions
so we may better share your peace in your world,
rejoicing in your name.
Hymn of Assurance Beautiful Things (VT 551) Choir
Time of Sharing
Offering Prayer
Musical Offering Missa Brevis No. 8 Daley
Joys and Concerns
After each time of sharing we respond “Lord, hear our prayers.”
Hymn Will You Let Me Be Your Servant VT 778
Worship Leader: Jesse Neufeldt Preacher: Rachel Siemens
Children’s Time: Cheryl and Lowell Thiessen Pianist: Cheryl Thiessen
Reader: Olivia Neufeldt Choir: Bruce Baergen, Ev Buhr
Joys and Concerns: Debbie Bledsoe Ushers: Martin Blank, Len Franz